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Sunday Service


If you want love God, this tried and true method is to hear his Word taught and preached and to interact with Him. This can all be accomplished during Sunday Service. Starting at 10:00AM, we offer Sunday School classes for children and adults. This is where you will learn what God's Word says about loving Him and others. Then at 11:00AM, there is an opportunity to interact with God through worship. This is where you can meet Him for real! This is where you can pour your love on Him and receive it 10-fold in return. Then comes the sermon. During the sermon, you will be challenged to love God and others. You will be challenged to make the step to solidfy your relationship. We encourage you to never stop loving God and others. Continually worshipping the Lord together with others will work that spiritual heart muscle and strengthen your love. 

Step 1 // Love

Love God and others. This is the first step of growth in our process. We believe a person must fall in love with Jesus. The greatest commandment is to " the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind." The second greatest commandment is to " your neighbor as yourself." Jesus said, "On these two commandments hang all the law..." If we can learn to love God and love others, it will be easy to obey His commands because they are all fulfilled in loving Him and others. 


Step 2

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